Source code for altamisa.isatab.parse_investigation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Code for parsing investigation files.

from __future__ import generator_stop

import os
import csv
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterator, TextIO
import warnings

from ..constants import investigation_headers
from ..exceptions import ParseIsatabException, ParseIsatabWarning
from .helpers import list_strip
from . import models

__author__ = "Manuel Holtgrewe <>"

# Helper function to extract comment headers and values from a section dict
def _parse_comments(section, comment_keys, i=None):
    def _parse_comment_header(val):
        # key might start with "Comment[" but NOT "Comment ["
        tok = val[len("Comment") :]
        if not tok or tok[0] != "[" or tok[-1] != "]":  # pragma: no cover
            tpl = 'Problem parsing comment header "{}"'
            msg = tpl.format(val)
            raise ParseIsatabException(msg)
        return tok[1:-1]

    if i is not None:
        comments = tuple(
            models.Comment(_parse_comment_header(k), section[k][i]) for k in comment_keys
        comments = tuple(models.Comment(_parse_comment_header(k), section[k]) for k in comment_keys)

    return comments

# Helper function to extract protocol parameters
def _split_study_protocols_parameters(
    names, name_term_accs, name_term_srcs
) -> Iterator[models.FreeTextOrTermRef]:
    names = names.split(";")
    name_term_accs = name_term_accs.split(";")
    name_term_srcs = name_term_srcs.split(";")
    if not (len(names) == len(name_term_accs) == len(name_term_srcs)):  # pragma: no cover
        tpl = 'Unequal protocol parameter splits; found: "{}", "{}", "{}"'
        msg = tpl.format(names, name_term_accs, name_term_srcs)
        raise ParseIsatabException(msg)
    if len(names) > len(set(names)):  # pragma: no cover
        tpl = "Repeated protocol parameter; found: {}"
        msg = tpl.format(names)
        raise ParseIsatabException(msg)
    for name, acc, src in zip(names, name_term_accs, name_term_srcs):
        if any((name, acc, src)):  # skips empty parameters
            yield models.OntologyTermRef(name, acc, src)

# Helper function to extract protocol components
def _split_study_protocols_components(
    names, types, type_term_accs, type_term_srcs
) -> Iterator[models.ProtocolComponentInfo]:
    names = names.split(";")
    types = types.split(";")
    type_term_accs = type_term_accs.split(";")
    type_term_srcs = type_term_srcs.split(";")
    if not (
        len(names) == len(types) == len(type_term_accs) == len(type_term_srcs)
    ):  # pragma: no cover
        tpl = "Unequal protocol component splits; " 'found: "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}"'
        msg = tpl.format(names, types, type_term_accs, type_term_srcs)
        raise ParseIsatabException(msg)
    if len(names) > len(set(names)):  # pragma: no cover
        tpl = "Repeated protocol components; found: {}"
        msg = tpl.format(names)
        raise ParseIsatabException(msg)
    for name, ctype, acc, src in zip(
        names, types, type_term_accs, type_term_srcs
    ):  # pragma: no cover
        if not name and any((ctype, acc, src)):
            tpl = "Missing protocol component name; " 'found: "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}"'
            msg = tpl.format(name, ctype, acc, src)
            raise ParseIsatabException(msg)
        if any((name, ctype, acc, src)):  # skips empty components
            yield models.ProtocolComponentInfo(name, models.OntologyTermRef(ctype, acc, src))

# Helper function to validate and convert string dates to date objects
def _parse_date(date_string) ->
    if date_string:
            date = datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
        except ValueError as e:  # pragma: no cover
            tpl = 'Invalid ISO8601 date "{}"'
            msg = tpl.format(date_string)
            raise ParseIsatabException(msg) from e
        date = None
    return date

[docs] class InvestigationReader: """ Main class to read an investigation file into an ``InvestigationInfo`` object. :type input_file: TextIO :param input_file: ISA-Tab investigation file """
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(self, input_file: TextIO, filename=None): """Construct from file-like object""" return InvestigationReader(input_file, filename)
def __init__(self, input_file: TextIO, filename=None): self._filename = filename or getattr(input_file, "name", "<no file>") self._reader = csv.reader(input_file, delimiter="\t", quotechar='"') self._line = None self._read_next_line() def _read_next_line(self): """Read next line, skipping comments starting with ``'#'``.""" prev_line = self._line try: self._line = list_strip(next(self._reader)) while self._line is not None and (not self._line or self._line[0].startswith("#")): self._line = list_strip(next(self._reader)) except StopIteration: self._line = None return prev_line def _next_line_startswith_comment(self): if not self._line: return False else: return self._line[0].startswith("Comment") def _next_line_startswith(self, token): """Return whether line starts with ``token``""" if not self._line: return False else: return self._line[0].startswith(token)
[docs] def read(self) -> models.InvestigationInfo: """ Read the investigation file :rtype: models.InvestigationInfo :returns: Investigation model including all information from the investigation file """ # Read sections in fixed order # ("section headings MUST appear in the Investigation file (in order)") ontology_refs = { o for o in self._read_ontology_source_reference()} info = self._read_basic_info() publications = list(self._read_publications()) contacts = list(self._read_contacts()) studies = list(self._read_studies()) investigation = models.InvestigationInfo( ontology_refs, info, publications, contacts, studies ) return investigation
# reader for content of sections with possibly multiple columns # i.e. ONTOLOGY SOURCE REFERENCE, INVESTIGATION PUBLICATIONS, # INVESTIGATION CONTACTS, STUDY DESIGN DESCRIPTORS, STUDY PUBLICATIONS, # STUDY FACTORS, STUDY ASSAYS, STUDY PROTOCOLS, STUDY CONTACTS def _read_multi_column_section(self, prefix, ref_keys, section_name): section = {} comment_keys = [] while self._next_line_startswith(prefix) or self._next_line_startswith_comment(): line = self._read_next_line() key = line[0] if key.startswith("Comment"): comment_keys.append(key) elif key not in ref_keys: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Line must start with one of {} but is {}" msg = tpl.format(ref_keys, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) if key in section: # pragma: no cover tpl = 'Key {} repeated, previous value "{}"' msg = tpl.format(key, section[key]) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) section[key] = line[1:] # Check that all keys are given and all contain the same number of entries if len(section) != len(ref_keys) + len(comment_keys): # pragma: no cover tpl = "Missing entries in section {}; only found: {}" msg = tpl.format(section_name, list(sorted(section))) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # TODO: should be warning? if not len(set([len(v) for v in section.values()])) == 1: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Inconsistent entry lengths in section {}" msg = tpl.format(section_name) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) return section, comment_keys # reader for content of a section with only one column # i.e. INVESTIGATION and STUDY def _read_single_column_section(self, prefix, ref_keys, section_name): # Read the lines in this section. section = {} comment_keys = [] while self._next_line_startswith(prefix) or self._next_line_startswith_comment(): line = self._read_next_line() if len(line) > 2: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Line {} contains more than one value: {}" msg = tpl.format(line[0], line[1:]) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) key = line[0] if key.startswith("Comment"): comment_keys.append(key) elif key not in ref_keys: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Line must start with one of {} but is {}" msg = tpl.format(ref_keys, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) if key in section: # pragma: no cover tpl = 'Key {} repeated, previous value "{}"' msg = tpl.format(key, section[key]) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # read value if field is available, empty string else section[key] = line[1] if len(line) > 1 else "" # Check that all keys are given if len(section) != len(ref_keys) + len(comment_keys): # pragma: no cover tpl = "Missing entries in section {}; only found: {}" msg = tpl.format(section_name, list(sorted(section))) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # TODO: should be warning? return section, comment_keys def _read_ontology_source_reference(self) -> Iterator[models.OntologyRef]: # Read ONTOLOGY SOURCE REFERENCE header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.ONTOLOGY_SOURCE_REFERENCE: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.ONTOLOGY_SOURCE_REFERENCE, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other four lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_multi_column_section( "Term Source", investigation_headers.ONTOLOGY_SOURCE_REF_KEYS, investigation_headers.ONTOLOGY_SOURCE_REFERENCE, ) # Create resulting objects columns = zip(*(section[k] for k in investigation_headers.ONTOLOGY_SOURCE_REF_KEYS)) for i, (name, file_, version, desc) in enumerate(columns): comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys, i) # If ontology source is empty, skip it # (since ISAcreator always adds a last empty ontology column) if not any((name, file_, version, desc, any(comments))): tpl = "Skipping empty ontology source: {}, {}, {}, {}" msg = tpl.format(name, file_, version, desc) warnings.warn(msg, ParseIsatabWarning) continue yield models.OntologyRef(name, file_, version, desc, comments, list(section.keys())) def _read_basic_info(self) -> models.BasicInfo: # Read INVESTIGATION header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_single_column_section( "Investigation", investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_INFO_KEYS, investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION, ) # Create resulting object # TODO: do we really need the name of the investigation file? comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys) return models.BasicInfo( Path(os.path.basename(self._filename)), section[investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_IDENTIFIER], section[investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_TITLE], section[investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_DESCRIPTION], _parse_date(section[investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_SUBMISSION_DATE]), _parse_date(section[investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_PUBLIC_RELEASE_DATE]), comments, list(section.keys()), ) def _read_publications(self) -> Iterator[models.PublicationInfo]: # Read INVESTIGATION PUBLICATIONS header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_PUBLICATIONS: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_PUBLICATIONS, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_multi_column_section( "Investigation Pub", investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_PUBLICATIONS_KEYS, investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_PUBLICATIONS, ) # Create resulting objects columns = zip(*(section[k] for k in investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_PUBLICATIONS_KEYS)) for ( i, (pubmed_id, doi, authors, title, status_term, status_term_acc, status_term_src), ) in enumerate(columns): status = models.OntologyTermRef(status_term, status_term_acc, status_term_src) comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys, i) yield models.PublicationInfo( pubmed_id, doi, authors, title, status, comments, list(section.keys()) ) def _read_contacts(self) -> Iterator[models.ContactInfo]: # Read INVESTIGATION CONTACTS header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_CONTACTS: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_CONTACTS, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_multi_column_section( "Investigation Person", investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_CONTACTS_KEYS, investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_CONTACTS, ) # Create resulting objects columns = zip(*(section[k] for k in investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION_CONTACTS_KEYS)) for ( i, ( last_name, first_name, mid_initial, email, phone, fax, address, affiliation, role_term, role_term_acc, role_term_src, ), ) in enumerate(columns): role = models.OntologyTermRef(role_term, role_term_acc, role_term_src) comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys, i) yield models.ContactInfo( last_name, first_name, mid_initial, email, phone, fax, address, affiliation, role, comments, list(section.keys()), ) def _read_studies(self) -> Iterator[models.StudyInfo]: while self._line: # Read STUDY header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.STUDY: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.INVESTIGATION, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_single_column_section( "Study", investigation_headers.STUDY_INFO_KEYS, investigation_headers.STUDY ) # From this, parse the basic information from the study comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys) basic_info = models.BasicInfo( Path(section[investigation_headers.STUDY_FILE_NAME]) if section[investigation_headers.STUDY_FILE_NAME] else None, section[investigation_headers.STUDY_IDENTIFIER], section[investigation_headers.STUDY_TITLE], section[investigation_headers.STUDY_DESCRIPTION], _parse_date(section[investigation_headers.STUDY_SUBMISSION_DATE]), _parse_date(section[investigation_headers.STUDY_PUBLIC_RELEASE_DATE]), comments, list(section.keys()), ) # Read the remaining sections for this study in fixed order # (though the study specification says the "order MAY vary", the overall investigation # specification demands that "section headings MUST appear in the Investigation file # (in order)", which we perceive as higher priority.) design_descriptors = tuple(self._read_study_design_descriptors()) publications = tuple(self._read_study_publications()) factors = { f for f in self._read_study_factors()} assays = tuple(self._read_study_assays()) protocols = { p for p in self._read_study_protocols()} contacts = tuple(self._read_study_contacts()) # Create study object yield models.StudyInfo( basic_info, design_descriptors, publications, factors, assays, protocols, contacts ) def _read_study_design_descriptors(self) -> Iterator[models.FreeTextOrTermRef]: # Read STUDY DESIGN DESCRIPTORS header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.STUDY_DESIGN_DESCRIPTORS: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.STUDY_DESIGN_DESCRIPTORS, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_multi_column_section( "Study Design", investigation_headers.STUDY_DESIGN_DESCR_KEYS, investigation_headers.STUDY_DESIGN_DESCRIPTORS, ) # Create resulting objects columns = zip(*(section[k] for k in investigation_headers.STUDY_DESIGN_DESCR_KEYS)) for i, (type_term, type_term_acc, type_term_src) in enumerate(columns): otype = models.OntologyTermRef(type_term, type_term_acc, type_term_src) comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys, i) yield models.DesignDescriptorsInfo(otype, comments, list(section.keys())) def _read_study_publications(self) -> Iterator[models.PublicationInfo]: # Read STUDY PUBLICATIONS header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.STUDY_PUBLICATIONS: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.STUDY_PUBLICATIONS, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_multi_column_section( "Study Pub", investigation_headers.STUDY_PUBLICATIONS_KEYS, investigation_headers.STUDY_PUBLICATIONS, ) # Create resulting objects columns = zip(*(section[k] for k in investigation_headers.STUDY_PUBLICATIONS_KEYS)) for ( i, (pubmed_id, doi, authors, title, status_term, status_term_acc, status_term_src), ) in enumerate(columns): status = models.OntologyTermRef(status_term, status_term_acc, status_term_src) comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys, i) yield models.PublicationInfo( pubmed_id, doi, authors, title, status, comments, list(section.keys()) ) def _read_study_factors(self) -> Iterator[models.FactorInfo]: # Read STUDY FACTORS header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.STUDY_FACTORS: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.STUDY_FACTORS, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_multi_column_section( "Study Factor", investigation_headers.STUDY_FACTORS_KEYS, investigation_headers.STUDY_FACTORS, ) # Create resulting objects columns = zip(*(section[k] for k in investigation_headers.STUDY_FACTORS_KEYS)) for i, (name, type_term, type_term_acc, type_term_src) in enumerate(columns): otype = models.OntologyTermRef(type_term, type_term_acc, type_term_src) comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys, i) yield models.FactorInfo(name, otype, comments, list(section.keys())) def _read_study_assays(self) -> Iterator[models.AssayInfo]: # Read STUDY ASSAYS header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.STUDY_ASSAYS: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.STUDY_ASSAYS, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_multi_column_section( "Study Assay", investigation_headers.STUDY_ASSAYS_KEYS, investigation_headers.STUDY_ASSAYS, ) # Create resulting objects columns = zip(*(section[k] for k in investigation_headers.STUDY_ASSAYS_KEYS)) for ( i, ( file_, meas_type, meas_type_term_acc, meas_type_term_src, tech_type, tech_type_term_acc, tech_type_term_src, tech_plat, ), ) in enumerate(columns): if any( ( file_, meas_type, meas_type_term_acc, meas_type_term_src, tech_type, tech_type_term_acc, tech_type_term_src, tech_plat, ) ): meas = models.OntologyTermRef(meas_type, meas_type_term_acc, meas_type_term_src) tech = models.OntologyTermRef(tech_type, tech_type_term_acc, tech_type_term_src) comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys, i) yield models.AssayInfo( meas, tech, tech_plat, Path(file_) if file_ else None, comments, list(section.keys()), ) # else, i.e. if all assay fields are empty --> Nothing def _read_study_protocols(self) -> Iterator[models.ProtocolInfo]: # Read STUDY PROTOCOLS header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.STUDY_PROTOCOLS: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.STUDY_PROTOCOLS, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_multi_column_section( "Study Protocol", investigation_headers.STUDY_PROTOCOLS_KEYS, investigation_headers.STUDY_PROTOCOLS, ) # Create resulting objects columns = zip(*(section[k] for k in investigation_headers.STUDY_PROTOCOLS_KEYS)) for ( i, ( name, type_term, type_term_acc, type_term_src, description, uri, version, para_names, para_name_term_accs, para_name_term_srcs, comp_names, comp_types, comp_type_term_accs, comp_type_term_srcs, ), ) in enumerate(columns): if not name: # don't allow unnamed protocol columns # pragma: no cover tpl = 'Expected protocol name in line {}; found: "{}"' msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.STUDY_PROTOCOL_NAME, name) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) type_ont = models.OntologyTermRef(type_term, type_term_acc, type_term_src) paras = { if hasattr(p, "name") else p: p for p in _split_study_protocols_parameters( para_names, para_name_term_accs, para_name_term_srcs ) } comps = { c for c in _split_study_protocols_components( comp_names, comp_types, comp_type_term_accs, comp_type_term_srcs ) } comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys, i) yield models.ProtocolInfo( name, type_ont, description, uri, version, paras, comps, comments, list(section.keys()), ) def _read_study_contacts(self) -> Iterator[models.ContactInfo]: # Read STUDY CONTACTS header line = self._read_next_line() if not line[0] == investigation_headers.STUDY_CONTACTS: # pragma: no cover tpl = "Expected {} but got {}" msg = tpl.format(investigation_headers.STUDY_CONTACTS, line) raise ParseIsatabException(msg) # Read the other lines in this section. section, comment_keys = self._read_multi_column_section( "Study Person", investigation_headers.STUDY_CONTACTS_KEYS, investigation_headers.STUDY_CONTACTS, ) # Create resulting objects columns = zip(*(section[k] for k in investigation_headers.STUDY_CONTACTS_KEYS)) for ( i, ( last_name, first_name, mid_initial, email, phone, fax, address, affiliation, role_term, role_term_acc, role_term_src, ), ) in enumerate(columns): role = models.OntologyTermRef(role_term, role_term_acc, role_term_src) comments = _parse_comments(section, comment_keys, i) yield models.ContactInfo( last_name, first_name, mid_initial, email, phone, fax, address, affiliation, role, comments, list(section.keys()), )